In this article ...
1.0 Remedies dogs for people with allergies for Food Allergies
1.1 Processing prescription diets Dry / Wet - not recommended
2.0 Initial cleaning of the dogs good for allergies Diet
Step # 1 - Remove all cereals and cereal products
Step # 2 - assess whether you need to go to an elimination diet
3.0 Protocol and elimination diet recipe
3.1 Purpose
3.2 Duration
3.3 transition
3.4 Nutraceuticals dogs good for allergies and elements of alternative medicine
3.5 The elimination diet
3.6 Understanding that includes a novel food
3.7 Elimination dogs for people with allergies Diet Recipe
3.8 Supplements dogs good for allergies to the elimination diet
4.0 The Elimination Diet Ad
1.0 Remedies for Food Allergies
Processed Diets Dry / Wet prescription dogs for people with allergies allergy - not recommended ...
Do not use a dry food or allergen prescribed dogs good for allergies allopathic veterinary prescription wet processed , dogs for people with allergies unless this product thoroughly studied to ensure that the product does not contain ingredients that put your dog or cat in the health of an endangered dogs good for allergies .
Sound crazy?
Well, many dogs for people with allergies prescribed allopathic veterinary prescription foods contain substances dogs with allergies that trigger allergies and cause other health dogs good for allergies complications.
You can find an example of one of the most popular veterinary prescribed dry food allergens here complete with a detailed dogs good for allergies explanation of why the product is a healthy choice for your dog or cat.
2.0 Initial cleaning dogs for people with allergies of the Diet
Step # 1 - Remove all grains and dogs good for allergies cereal products
the diet ( food and treats )
The grain is the number one trigger for allergies in dogs and cats, so the first thing to do is eliminate all derivatives of cereals and grains dogs for people with allergies from the diet ( including food and treats ) . If you are not sure what food ingredients derived from dogs good for allergies cereals that can be read here dogs good for allergies , here and here.
At this point you can dogs for people with allergies begin supplementation support measures 3.4.1 , 3.4.2 and 3.4.3 , or you can choose to see if the simple elimination of grain feeding is sufficient to resolve the symptoms dogs for people with allergies dogs good for allergies .
If after several weeks symptoms of food allergies are present dogs good for allergies , then it's time to move to step 2.
For those of you dogs for people with allergies who are interested to eliminate all possible allergens from the diet front, simply combine steps 1 and # 2 - do not wait for # 1 First and No. 2, after several weeks of dogs with allergies time.
If you are feeding your dog or cat dogs good for allergies a diet free of wheat, grain products and all items listed in step dogs good for allergies 2 and go to step 3 .
Step 2 - Remove these dogs for people with allergies daily allergy triggers
The diet ( food and treats )
Chemical preservatives for use;
Brewer and / or nutritional yeast ;
For egg products dogs good for allergies ;
Food of animal origin;
Poor fats ;
sweeteners dogs good for allergies ;
Synthetic dogs for people with allergies additives and supplements ;
And also ...
The fruit is rich in dogs good for allergies sugar - is bananas, pears ;
Root vegetables that are high in sugar - carrots , sweet potatoes .
For more information on what to look for and avoid see section 4.0 of this article " Food allergies in dogs and cats - Causes dogs with allergies , Symptoms, Treatment "
dogs good for allergies
At this point you can begin dogs for people with allergies supplementation support measures 3.4.1 , 3.4.2 and 3.4.3 (if not already done step # 1) or you can choose to see if the mere elimination of additional allergy triggers from the diet is sufficient to resolve symptoms dogs good for allergies dogs good for allergies.
If after 3-4 weeks, dogs for people with allergies symptoms of food allergy are still present, then it's time to move on to stage 3 , the elimination diet .
3.0 The elimination diet - Protocol and
3.1 Purpose
3.2 Duration
3.2 transition
3.4 Nutraceuticals dogs for people with allergies and dogs good for allergies elements of alternative medicine
3.5 The dogs good for allergies elimination diet
3.6 Novel Foods
3.7 Recipe
3.8 Position elimination diet
3.1 Purpose
The elimination diet dogs good for allergies is very limited food dogs for people with allergies ingredient that is intended to be used temporarily for:
Give cat dog system the opportunity to:
Detox and calm the body / immune system , providing an opportunity for:
Stop the accumulation of toxins caused by food allergy ;
To support the kidneys and liver dogs good for allergies to eliminate toxins ;
Help relieve the symptoms of chronic allergic reaction dogs with allergies .
Start the dogs for people with allergies discovery process that identifies the ( s ) Product ( s ) that your dog or cat is allergic .
3.2 Duration
The dogs good for allergies elimination diet should be strictly maintained for 12 weeks (3 months) - No change or treats. This should allow sufficient time for your dog or cat complete detoxification system dogs for people with allergies. To help in the detoxification process Nutraceuticals should be added dogs with allergies to food - see below.
3.3 The transition to the elimination diet
Do not change without dogs good for allergies an orderly transition , unless you're 100 % sure that your dog or cat has a constitution that accepts change without adverse effects (Beg , diarrhea )dogs for people with allergies .
Slow Transition :
Substituting dogs good for allergies a small portion of food once a day with some elimination dietdogs for people with all ;
During the period from one week to two weeks, dogs good for allergies gradually replacing most existing food new elimination diet until the existing food is completely replaced by the elimination dietdogs for people with all.
The countdown begins week 12 dogs with allergies if complete reversal elimination dogs for people with all diet.
3.4 Nutraceuticals and elements dogs good dogs for people with allergies for allergies of alternative medicine
3.4.1 with a Nutraceuticals Detox
Detox supplements is necessary. You can choose one of the following options to help clean your dog or cat's system - read the dogs good for allergies items to ensure that what is appropriate for your dog or cat alone or choose another safe detoxification agent dogs for people with allergies ;
Diatomaceous earth ( DE) food grade only ;
Licorice root ;
Milk Thistle .
and Where are dogs good for allergies
3.4.2 Resolution Total velocity dogs with allergies dogs for people with allergies Food Symptoms
You can do a course of treatment with perception is ingested ,
Read to dosage dogs good for dogs for people with allergies allergies, precautions and interactions.
3.4.3 Resolution of the speed of yeast infection and related
symptoms dogs good for allergies
Can ingested during treatment with the dogs with allergies following methods :
Colloidal silver ;
Grapefruit seed extract .
Follow the instructions for treatment / dosing in the statutes;
There are also precautions and interactions dogs good for allergies.
3.5 The elimination diet
Elimination diet consists mainly of two ingredients :
A single source, dogs for people with allergies the protein of the invention, and ;
A new source of carbohydrates.
3.6 Understanding that dogs good for allergies includes a novel food
The term " novel" , a food that has not sent your dog or cat before dogs with allergies .
3.6.1 Protein:
If you have had your dog or cat on a diet of chicken dogs for people with allergies :
You should have a basic mammalian proteins or lamb , if your dog or cat has never had a lamb , or a novel mammalian dogs good for allergies protein - see list below .
Dogs and cats that are allergic to chicken may be allergic to other birds , such as turkey , duck, etc.
If you have had your dog or cat on a diet of beef :
You can try to move dogs with allergies to a new dogs good for allergies chicken or a novel mammalian protein ;
Fowl new examples:
duck ;
Fish ( if your dog / cat has never eaten fish before ) ;
Emu ;
Quail ;
ostrich ;
New examples of mammals :
crocodile ;
Beaver ;
Bison ;
caribou ;
Elk ;
goat ;
Kangaroo ;
Moose ;
rabbit ;
Game (deer ) .
and for life dogs good for allergies eat the potato ;
3.6.2 Carbohydrates:
If your dog has eaten a diet that included grains - Roman carbohydrates are:
Pope ;
pumpkin ;
kohlrabi ;
turnip ;
Squash .
If your dog dogs or cat would eat the potato before the news ;
pumpkin ;
kohlrabi ;
turnip ;
Squash .
If your dog ate pumpkin or squash dogs with allergies before the novel would be:
Pope ;
kohlrabi ;
Turnip .
dogs good for allergiese for life dogs for people with allergies ;
3.7 Elimination Diet Recipe
If your dog or cat is accustomed to a diet rich in the use of the same crude protein vs carbohydrate protein ) Report dogs good for allergies of the elimination diet ;
If your dog is a home or business of dogs with allergies dry food diet cooked processed foods include moderate protein and low in carbohydrates ( for example, dry dog Atwood or Orient grain dogs good for allergies free diet like this house ) dogs for people with allergies , then use the percentage of proteins to carbohydrates as shown below in the recipe dogs with allergies ;
If your dog is really a processed commercial dog food that consists mainly of the charges, then you need to give your dog or cat more time to adjust to dogs good for allergies the percentage distribution of protein vs carbohydrate below. To make this recipe with a lower percentage of protein (Beg , 35-40 % , and a higher percentage of carbohydrates, for example , 65 to 60 % and slowly reverse the percentages reflect those contained in the recipe below dogs good for allergies .
3.7.1 Removing Food Recipe
Daily meals consist ...
50% to 60 % of the protein according to the invention;
40% to 50 % carbohydrates novel ;
If your dog is used dogs good for allergies to eating the first use :
New crude protein, and :
Steamed, novel carbohydrate frozen puree or finely chopped / diced ;
If your dog is dogs good for allergies used to processed food or home cooking then use :
New protein cooked (cooked with heat - the heat is not too high to prevent the formation of carcinogens ) and ;
Use steamed , mashed new carb .
3.7.2 Precautions:
If your dog or cat suffers dogs good for allergies from other medical conditions you may have to make further adjustments / considerations - such as:
For kidney stones or bladder may need to adjust the type of protein or carbohydrates depending on the treatment required for the type of glass or stone during treatment - for more information on bladder and kidney stones dogs good for allergies food needs that can be read here .
To pancreatitis sure to go with a low-fat meat .
Be sure to check the requirements / dietary restrictions for the condition being treated.
3.7.3 Supplements dogs good for allergies elimination diet
Probiotic supplement :
You must be at least 12 strains of bacteria and 20-50000000000 of bacteria per serving ;
If the plug does not need refrigeration do not buy that microbes give probiotic supplement their properties are dead and therefore not viable ;
You can use a probiotic supplement human or sells the dog and cat class ;
Read this article to understand why a probiotic is necessary;
Read this article for more dogs good for allergies information on how to choose a good probiotic .
Digestive Enzyme :
As bromeliad ;
Make sure that the product contains no fillers , dogs good for allergies sweeteners and other unnecessary additives ;
You can use a human or sold for dogs and cats of quality ;
Follow manufacturer's instructions for dosage.
dogs good for allergies and
3.8 Position elimination diet
At the end of the 12 weeks , symptoms cat dog eliminates or better yet, have disappeared completely , dogs good for allergies then you can start adding other foods slowly back to his / her diet one at a time, with days between adding another element so you can find the exact reference that is causing the reaction if symptoms begin to reproduce.
If you still want to feed a diet of processed foods carefully selected - most contain unwanted ingredients , compromising the health of one kind or another .
Make sure you know how to choose a better product - do not assume you know - people , even those who think they know -not ! Go to my index page, scroll down until you reach
PART 3 - Food and Nutrition for Dogs and Cats
3.1 - Dog and Cat Food
3.1.1 Wet and dry dog and cat food ( commercially processed foods )
- Read the articles in this dogs good for allergies section .
If you want to switch to a diet of nutritious home cooked fresh you can start to use this recipe to cook at home without grain and substitutions sure to follow depending on your dog , cat allergy causes .
Supplementation with omega -3 fatty acids is very important for maintaining good health .
Turmeric and organic coconut dogs good for allergies oil has many health benefits , including anti - allergic properties - both are safe for most dogs and cats - read the articles for more information on the benefits , dose selection a good product, precautions and interactionsdogs good for allergies .
For more information about the causes and symptoms of food allergies that can be read here .
Food Allergies in Dogs, Cats – Remedies, Elimination, Diet ; dogs good for allergies , Recipe
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