Considerations For Aging Dogs And Glucosamine Supplements

Glucosamine is a dietary supplement that can affect joints by maintaining or possibly even helping to grow cartilaginous tissue. While this sounds great, you may not know whether it is right for your pet. Typically this is a result of the difficulty of spotting the signs of aging, but do what you can to pay attention and consider whether your friend is in need of some help.

One of the signs to watch for is whenever your dog gets down from something such as stairs or a car seat. If he or she is hesitating or taking more time than in the past, you should probably begin working to ease the stress on the animal's joints. Loss of fluids and tissues that brace against falls is typical as they age, but when you start to notice it you should take action.

Bear in mind that this could also be a sign of something more serious, but if it's something that presents without other symptoms it is unlikely that you need to worry. Glucosamine can potentially help your pet maintain or even regenerate some of what he or she has lost. This means that, if nothing else, you can hope to keep him or her from worsening with the continued passage of time.

Remember that how soon you may want to begin supplementing your dog's diet also depends on what kind of life he or she has led. Dogs used in hunting or hiking or those that have had to regularly navigate rough terrain often have problems earlier. There is no harm in beginning a glucosamine regimen earlier rather than later, as it can help even before problems develop.

One thing to note is that this particular supplement is one that takes time to really take effect. This means that you do not want to stop and start or otherwise forget to include it in meals. Check with recommended dosages based on your pet's age and weight, as the dosage can vary depending upon just how active and how heavy your animal is.

Glucosamine for dogs can result in a number of improvements where his or her quality of life is concerned. Be sure that you are maintaining the regimen and including this substance in meals each day. With time and some care you should see your pet managing to get around better than in the past and you may manage to keep it that way for years to come

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